“Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes”

fyfan, satt bara vid datan i skolan och jobbade typ stenhårt med so:n, skrev ändå bara ett halvt A4.
jävla elvis skit. ♥
ah men a, har 17 punkter i svenskan också, men jag gillar att stanna på fredagar så det kan jag göra då. Klockan e redan 7 och jag har ingen aning om vad jag ska göra.. sova typ. det skulle behövas.
Jag har klippt mig faktiskt.

Biggest & The Best - Clawfinger
I hope you understand that the knowledge I bring
puts me in the position of a god or a king
'cos I'm blessed with the gift of the magic touch
and I wouldn't say that I'm asking for to much
all you have to do is get down on your knees and pray
and I promise you the remedy is on its way
but you can never be like me so don't waste your time
because I reign supreme and my position is divine
What's wrong with being self possessed?
Nobody's satisfied with being second best
I've got the gift and I know that I'm blessed
and I've got to get it off my chest
I'm the biggest the best better than the rest, better than the rest

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